Philippians 4:6Do not be anxious about anything ,but in everything by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving present your requests to God.
Thanksgiving in prayer is one key that will help you reach maturity in prayer real quick. Worries and anxieties of life can take away our sole focus of prayer but scriptures here urge us to instead give thanks.
Giving thanks fills us with joy and prepares a way for God to come through for us in whatever we are trusting Him for for the Psalmist said in Psalms 50 verse 23 He who sacrifices thank-offerings honors me and he prepares the way that I may show him salvation of God. Hallelujah!
Let us learn to give thanks so we can grow in the place of prayer.
TODAY’S DECLARATION :I give thanks to the Lord for it is will of God in Christ Jesus.
TODAY’S PRAYER: Father, today teach me to offer my Thanksgiving for you are pleased when I do so, whenever am tempted to complain in prayer, father help me give thanks instead for you will make a way in your perfect will. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!